Wednesday, November 5, 2014

✯Review✯ SONGBIRD FREED by Lisa Edward

My name is Tara O’Connell, and I’ve always believed we control our own fate. That life is a journey with many roads, and the choices we make can shape our future.

Life has presented me with two paths and I’ve chosen one.

Was it right? Did I make the best decision?

After the uncertainty of the last twelve months, my destiny is now crystal-clear to me. I have a man I love more than words can express, a thriving business, and the best friends anyone could ask for. But just when I thought I could put the turmoil of my past behind me and move on, a life-changing phone call has rocked me to the core and turned my life upside-down once more.

To make matters worse, influences outside my control have taken hold and are shattering my perfect world.

But some things are worth fighting for.

Dreams can come true and I’ll do everything in my power to make them happen. But dreams can also be smashed into tiny pieces, and no matter how hard we fight or how hard we wish for something to be, sometimes with the hand we’ve been dealt, we can never win.

5 huge stars! 
Songbird Freed is the third and final book in the Songbird Trilogy. I have loved Lisa Edward's writing since day one, and that love keeps growing with each and every book. This entire series has been one hell of an emotional roller coaster, and you never knew what was about to happen. This has been, by far, one of my all time favorite love triangle stories. 
"I am completely and hopelessly in love with you. Whether you want me or not, you have my heart, always."

Tara has found her happily ever after with Cole. Things are going exceptionally well. She seems to come to terms with the loss of Riley… that is until she gets the call that he is still alive. There is a massive ransom on his head, and she is the only one that has that kind of money to pay it off and save Riley's life. But in order to do this she has to travel overseas into a dangerous area and will have to come face to face with the man she once gave her entire heart to… the man she promised to wait for. I did not know what to expect once she saw Riley again. He was so damaged, and when she told him that she was now with Cole, I felt my heart rip in two. I LOVE Tara and Cole together, but I couldn't stop my heart from breaking for Riley. He is such a good man, and I didn't want to see him hurting on the inside. 
"I can't let you go. No matter how many times I tell myself I've lost you, you're all there is for me. You're all I have to hang on to, from a life that wasn't full of misery and destruction and death. I can't lose that because if I do, I'll lose myself, and I'm scared I'll never make it back."

Things between Tara and Cole were not smooth sailing. Little bits of trouble always seemed to find ways into their lives. And let's not forget about the wee fact that Cole was supposed to get engaged, and finally married, to his childhood friend Prue. That whole situation was a complete clusterfuck, and I REALLY hate Cole's mother. So many times I wanted to reach through the pages and wring Cole's neck for the shit he was putting Tara through. I could not believe how strong she was being with both situations (with Riley and Cole)… I totally admired that about her. The fact that she made a choice, and stuck by it without looking back…no matter how difficult dealing with the backlash was at times. I don't know if I would have been able to do that. 

There were so many twists and turns throughout the story. I remember sending angry e-mails to Lisa thinking I knew what was happening, and then a few minutes later messaging her once again saying to forget those angry messages and that I still loved her lol. I cannot even count the number of times I was certain I knew what the outcome of the book was only to be thrown through a complete loop-dee-doop and spit out on the complete opposite side. The emotions which were evoked inside of me were very intense at times, and yes, I may have cried a few tears here and there too. 
"The past is in the past, remember? We both made mistakes, but we're here, we're together, and I'll fight for what I want and protect what I love, and that is you, babe. Always has been, always will be."

Throughout the trilogy I have grown so attached to all these characters, and I feel like they are as much a part of me, as they are to these books. I love the way everything ended, and really could not have asked for a better conclusion to the trilogy. 

I am seriously hoping with all my might that we will end up seeing a spinoff or two on some of the other characters. I would LOVE to see more about Kelli and what happens with her and her little one now that Coop is no longer here (sad face). Also Marcus' relationship with Nicole. Oh and  big thing is I would love to hear what happens to the man Tara does not chose in the end. Does he end up with his happily ever, or does his love for Tara ruin something that could be great. While all the major questions were answered in this final book, there is still so much more I would love to see. Maybe one day :) 

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